Thursday, July 15, 2010

Death Park Fun!

Have fun at Death Park, where everyone has a spine blasting time, literally! How about going going on the KING INJURER! Or maybe go on the THROWUP MACHINE! Try the DRUNKIFIER! Or the CRAPIFIER! 

               DEATH PARK

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Alice in Wonderland Movie Review!

Illustration of Chess piecesImage via Wikipedia
What are your opinions about Alice in Wonderland the movie. Money Bags: I enjoyed the movie, but what the heck is up the Red Queens head, it's ugly and giant. I noticed that the white warriors are based on chess pieces and the red warriors are based on cards. The movie is beautiful and creative and the dragon that
Alice had to fight in the new movie is awesome!
Alice as she appears in the 2010 version of Al...Image via Wikipedia

Oil Spill Disaster

I think that the oil spill is suckish and idiotic. Why the hell did that oil rig have to explode their. Why, why? I want the BP oil company to fall! Whats your opinion?


5 Impossible things: Being immortal, Having your  heart taken out and still being alive, Not moving, Splitting an atom with your bare hands, and Growing 200 feet more wide and 200 feet more tall and still having your close in perfect condition.
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